Pavel Hála

We’re raising prices, lock the old price forever

Published November 21, 2022

The SpreadCharts app is getting better every year. In 2022, we focused on rewriting the internal database responsible for storing market data and materially improving our data quality.

After cleaning the old data, we proceeded to obtain data for new markets. That was a long-promised goal, and this year we delivered. We added data for new energy markets, softs, currencies, indices, and even crypto. Some of this data is unique and was really hard to get, like the Oman crude oil.

Besides software, we guided you through the bear market flawlessly this year. Our premium research not only warned you about the selloff at the beginning of this year, but also provided you with timely updates ever after. We have incredible feedback from you on our macro forecasts. Some hedge funds that follow us saved millions thanks to our data and insights.

Another huge accomplishment this year was launching the online workshop about commodity and spread trading. It guides you from basics to advanced stuff and also teaches you practical trading skills in a concise way.

All of this comes for just $27.50 per month with the yearly plan. We know that’s dirt cheap, as comparable institutional research services charge hundreds of dollars per month. But we always wanted our service to be accessible to everyone.

But it is time for the subscription price to catch up with the amount of content and data we provide. Therefore, we decided to hike the prices after so many years. Ultimately, you will benefit as we plan to reinvest all the additional funds back into our platform to make it even better.

Here is how the prices change. And please remember that additional VAT charges / sales tax and currency conversion may apply, depending on your country.

Old price New price

3-month subscription $99 $119

1-year subscription $329 $369


However, as Black Friday is just around the corner, we decided to give you one last chance to get the premium version of SpreadCharts for the old price. And if you take specific actions, you might lock the old price forever. You’ll find detailed instructions at the end of this article. Please read them carefully.


SpreadCharts Premium

But what is the premium version about? It is summarized in the following table.

Features Free version Premium version

Access to market data
for tens of commodities

Price action, seasonality,
Term structure, COT

Max items in watchlist 10 1000

Max allowed active tabs 3 100

Advanced studies
like the histogram

Trading signals
powered by AI

Research videos of the best opportunities


As part of the premium version, you get the following:

  • full access to the SpreadCharts app, the most sophisticated software for commodity markets analysis
  • high-quality data for 85 markets, some of them really unique like emission allowances or Oman crude oil
  • trading signals powered by artificial intelligence
  • world-class research of the best opportunities in the markets from people with a successful track record in the hedge fund industry
  • online workshop that will guide you from the basics to more advanced stuff like term structure analysis
  • regular global macro analysis of the trends affecting the major economies around the world + the recession forecast


Black Friday special offer!

We give you one last chance to get the premium subscription for the old price forever if you fulfill the following conditions.

  1. You must buy the premium version by the end of next Monday, November 28th, 2022, 23:59 ET.
  2. You must keep your payment method up to date (credit/debit card or PayPal). You can change your payment method at our payment processor FastSpring HERE. This link can also be found in the subscription management in the app (gear in the top right corner). You always receive an email prior to subscription renewal, which is a convenient time to check the validity of your card. If your card expires, you can easily replace it using the link above.

    Do not forget to update your payment method and have a sufficient limit set up. If your subscription expires, it is gone. You’re welcome to subscribe again, but for the new price. There will be no exceptions unless there is some technical issue on our side. Reinstating an old subscription with a non-standard price is a manual process that takes some time. Basically, you can enjoy the premium service for a lower price if you look after your subscription and save our time.

  3. The existing subscribers keep the old price. They do not have to do anything. Just keep the payment method up to date, as described above.

    The only thing they might consider is switching from a 3-month to a 1-year subscription period BEFORE THE DEADLINE next Monday for maximum savings. The subscription management is explained in this video.

  4. You must NOT make any changes to your subscription after the deadline next Monday. This means changing the subscription period or turning the subscription on/off in the subscription management in the app (gear in the top right corner). If you do so, it will reset the subscription, and you will automatically switch to the new (higher) price. The only exception is changing the payment method using the link above. Therefore, if you want to switch from a 3-month to a yearly plan, DO IT NOW.


If you follow all the mentioned steps, you will keep the old price forever. The only exceptions would be changes in VAT / sales tax in your country/state and changes in currency conversion rates if you paid in currencies other than USD or EUR. Both these factors are beyond our control as they are automatically determined by our payment processor (FastSpring).

We hope you won’t miss this great opportunity. You can buy the premium version right in the SpreadCharts app or on our website.

Posted in Announcements
Pavel Hála

Pavel is the founder and CEO of SpreadCharts.

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